
Setting up our first blog post

It is important for organisations, groups and individuals to be able to express themselves and share their values, ongoing projects and interests. To this end, Eiland-X wondered what would be a good way to communicate what’s keeping us busy to the outside world.

Stumbling upon Jekyll, a way to generate static sites, we attempted to use this in combination with GitHub pages to automate a way to build and deploy static webpages containing information, mostly in the form of blogposts, that we want to share. The result of this exploratory process is this very blogpost!

Setting up our first blog post using Jekyll and GitHub actions

Plans for the future

We have yet to figure out in what way we will be using these blogposts and what all we will be sharing on here. Plans include:

  • Guides for specific installations or deployments (think gameservers, monitoring solutions,…)

  • Documentation for usage of specific software that we love using or have tried out

  • Discussions or blogs on interesting topics that are relevant for us or which we find intriguing

  • More information about us, what we already, what we want to do,…

We hope some of our content can be of interest to you and we also hope that you can share the enthousiasm we have for what we do!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.